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Questions posées lors d’un entretien d’embauche pour Investment Consultant chez Aon

Mis à jour le 31 oct. 2022

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Entretiens chez Aon

Obtenir un entretien
Candidature en ligne85%
Recrutement à l'université15%

Entretiens pour les meilleurs postes chez Aon

Candidat anonyme à un entretien, Londres, Angleterre

Aucune offre
Expérience neutre
Entretien difficile


J'ai postulé en ligne. J'ai passé un entretien chez Aon (Londres, Angleterre) en 01/10/2022


long and tiresome process, application then assessment questions, video interview, assessment centre. process is long and employees that you speak with are rude. will not be applying for any more roles at aon

Questions d'entretien [1]

Question 1

where do you see yourself in five years?


    Candidat anonyme à un entretien, Londres, Angleterre

    Aucune offre
    Expérience négative
    Entretien moyen


    J'ai passé un entretien chez Aon (Londres, Angleterre)


    Very long interview process. I went through an online test, video interview, a 5 hour assessment day, and a final round interview. I performed well until the final interview, according to the received feedback, but was rejected at the final stage. What was particularly annoying was that the final interview lasted around 30 minutes and managed to undo the hours of work I had put into the stages up until that point. The final interview consisted of a lot of industry-specific knowledge questions. This results in candidates getting pushed out of the process for not having sufficiently researched the pension industry, despite having proven their ability to communicate, work in a team, and learn new things beforehand. And realistically, a new employee could learn the content being assessed in the final interview in about an hour. I would suggest removing the final interview altogether or placing this stage before the assessment day.

    Questions d'entretien [1]

    Question 1

    The 5 Pirates Fight for 100 Gold Coins question

      Candidat à l'entretien anonyme

      Aucune offre
      Expérience positive
      Entretien moyen


      J'ai postulé en ligne. J'ai passé un entretien chez Aon


      The video interview was positive they provided you with useful tips and tricks beforehand and some great features when you got into the online interview area - the retake feature I think is a great idea as it prevents environmental distractions from having an impact. I think it is also a fairer representation of a candidates ability.

      Questions d'entretien [1]

      Question 1

      How did you overcome a big setback to meet a deadline.

        Candidat anonyme à un entretien, Londres, Angleterre

        Offre refusée
        Expérience positive
        Entretien moyen


        J'ai postulé en ligne. J'ai passé un entretien chez Aon (Londres, Angleterre) en 01/11/2021


        The interview had 6 questions in total. You have 2 minutes to prepare the answer and 2 attempts to record the answer for the question. The recorded answers are a maximum of 2 minutes.

        Questions d'entretien [1]

        Question 1

        Tell us about a time when you worked in a team. Tell us about a time when you had a conflicting view with a teammate.

          Candidat anonyme à un entretien, Londres, Angleterre

          Aucune offre
          Expérience positive
          Entretien moyen


          J'ai postulé en ligne. Le processus a pris 4 semaines.J'ai passé un entretien chez Aon (Londres, Angleterre) en 01/10/2021


          Completed an online interview carried out by a third-party provider (cant quite remember the name). Contains about 5 or 6 questions. They are fairly standard questions, i.e. asking about skills, competency-based questions and some scenario ones.

          Questions d'entretien [1]

          Question 1

          Why Aon and why this role?

            Candidat anonyme à un entretien, Londres, Angleterre

            Offre refusée
            Expérience neutre
            Entretien moyen


            J'ai postulé via un établissement d'enseignement supérieur ou universitaire. Le processus a pris 4 mois.J'ai passé un entretien chez Aon (Londres, Angleterre) en 01/02/2020


            The interview process was quite well organised and they had multiple rounds of online tests, virtual recorded interviews, and finally an assessment centre. the assessment centre involved a variety of group tasks and individual tasks, and a written test that included some actuarial content. Overall it was a good process.

            Questions d'entretien [2]

            Question 1

            Can you explain to me a complex piece of information simply.

            Question 2

            How did you find the interview?

              Candidat anonyme à un entretien, Londres, Angleterre

              Aucune offre
              Expérience neutre
              Entretien moyen


              J'ai postulé en ligne. Le processus a pris 1 jour.J'ai passé un entretien chez Aon (Londres, Angleterre) en 01/01/2020


              It was a difficult process which required a lot of research undertaken before and the ability to respond to questions which are not conventional- such as the distribution of gold amongst the pirates scenario

              Questions d'entretien [1]

              Question 1

              how many 2p coins in a football pitch

                Candidat anonyme à un entretien, Londres, Angleterre

                Aucune offre
                Expérience positive
                Entretien facile


                J'ai postulé en ligne. Le processus a pris 4 mois.J'ai passé un entretien chez Aon (Londres, Angleterre) en 01/12/2019


                Applied in September (when internships opened), CV check then numerical and situation test. About 2 weeks later video interview. 27 November invited to Assessment centre on 6th Dec, but very slow to hear back from their replies to schedule a time for final interview (29 Dec still waiting). Group task as a group of 5. In tray 90min, numerical questions (calcultaors given), writing emails to resolve consumer disput on paper, interest rate questions quite easy. One-to-one interview with target office same role people, very relaxed, friendly, well-trained interviewer! Presentation task was given 1 week before hand. 3 min pitch and 5 min on one out of the 3 topics given. The alarm went off on a Friday afternoon so quite disrptive! Be prepared for unexpected situatons and remain calm

                Questions d'entretien [2]

                Question 1

                Question: Five pirates discover a chest containing 100 gold coins. They decide to sit down and devise a distribution strategy. The pirates are ranked based on their experience (Pirate 1 to Pirate 5, where Pirate 5 is the most experienced). The most experienced pirate gets to propose a plan and then all the pirates vote on it. If at least half of the pirates agree on the plan, the gold is split according to the proposal. If not, the most experienced pirate is thrown off the ship and this process continues with the remaining pirates until a proposal is accepted. The first priority of the pirates is to stay alive and second to maximize the gold they get. Pirate 5 devises a plan which he knows will be accepted for sure and will maximize his gold. What is his plan?

                Question 2

                Competency questions: work in a team, time when there was disagreement, explain in plain words something that is highly technical; why this role why Aon? Prepare for all the questions on Glassdoor and it will be enough


                  Candidat anonyme à un entretien, Birmingham, Angleterre

                  Aucune offre
                  Expérience neutre
                  Entretien difficile


                  J'ai postulé via un établissement d'enseignement supérieur ou universitaire. Le processus a pris 3 semaines.J'ai passé un entretien chez Aon (Birmingham, Angleterre) en 01/09/2019


                  Poor too many questions in short period of time was hard to complete. Had to rush. Questions were dfficult to answer in such a short period. Pleasant staff etc. Nice office

                  Questions d'entretien [1]

                  Question 1

                  Are you willing to relocate?

                    Employé anonyme

                    Offre acceptée
                    Expérience positive
                    Entretien moyen


                    J'ai postulé en ligne. Le processus a pris 2 mois.J'ai passé un entretien chez Aon en 01/07/2018


                    It was the second part of the online stage which was video interview. The difficulty level was average. Be prepared well is the key. there were 4 questions in it with 5 minutes to think.

                    Questions d'entretien [1]

                    Question 1

                    Why Aon?

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                      Photos chez Aon

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                      Photo Aon de : 101-5km Charity Walk
                      Photo Aon de : First Lady Dr. Jill Biden visits Aon in Chicago to celebrate our apprenticeship program.
                      Photo Aon de : Headquarters
                      Photo Aon de : Aon office
                      Photo Aon de : Aon office
                      Photo Aon de : Activity Based Working
                      Photo Aon de : Aon wellbeing - Treadmill desk
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