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Questions posées lors d’un entretien d’embauche pour Product Marketing Manager chez Imprivata

Mis à jour le 15 janv. 2020

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Résultat : 2 entretiens sur plus de 46

Entretiens chez Imprivata

2,5/5 (niveau de difficulté)

Expérience d'entretien

50 %Positive
Négative50 %

Comment d’autres ont décroché un entretien

50 %
50 %
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Entretiens pour les meilleurs postes chez Imprivata


Employé anonyme, Lexington, MA

Offre acceptée
Expérience positive
Entretien moyen

J'ai postulé via un recruteur. J'ai passé un entretien chez Imprivata (Lexington, MA)


A few phone screenings. Then two onsite days of interviews. One day included multiple 1x1 interviews and another day required delivering a presentation to the entire team. Overall the process was very organized, efficient, and left me with a positive impression of the company and its work culture.

Questions d'entretien
  • What do you think makes healthcare IT a different industry than most? What would you do to better understand the unique IT and security challenges in healthcare?
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1 personne a trouvé ce retour d'entretien utile


Candidat anonyme à un entretien, Lexington, MA

Aucune offre
Expérience négative
Entretien facile

J'ai postulé en ligne. J'ai passé un entretien chez Imprivata (Lexington, MA) en sept. 2019


First interview was a phone screening with the recruiter. This was pretty standard, and it went fine. Then I had a follow up phone call with the hiring manager, also fine. Then, about 2-3 weeks later, I went onsite for a 4 hour interview meeting various different members of the team. The coordination to make this happen was super long and slow. I thought this was the last step in the process. I then got asked to go onsite again to meet with a few more people. I went onsite a few weeks after. Everyone was in a rush during this one. After dragged around for a few months, I was then told they are going in a different direction.

Questions d'entretien
1 personne a trouvé ce retour d'entretien utile

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Photo Imprivata de : sales kickoff 2022
Photo Imprivata de : Imprivata Cares Volunteer Event
Photo Imprivata de : Summer Jam
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