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Questions posées lors d’un entretien d’embauche pour Principal Software Engineer chez SEEK

Mis à jour le 5 juil. 2014

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Résultat : 1 entretiens sur plus de 93

Entretiens chez SEEK

NaN/5 (niveau de difficulté)

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0 %Positive
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J'ai passé un entretien chez SEEK


The interview Process there is pretty simple the first interview was done by an Architect who works for seek. i was being interviewed for a position in seek learning, the interviewer was polite and nice during the interview,

Questions d'entretien
  • i can tell that he was not experienced in interviewing people as his questions were pretty shallow and not organized. and i believe such confusion happened as their expectation was different from my experience as they seemed to be interested in a more technical role while my experience is more towards management.
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Photo SEEK de : Awesome new reception at SEEK's new home in Melbourne
Photo SEEK de : A day in the office
Photo SEEK de : Head office

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