Questions d'entretien pour Consultant, Harrisburg, États-Unis

S’il n’y a pas vraiment de liste établie en la matière, les employeurs sont assez clairs quant aux qualités qu’ils recherchent chez un consultant. Le candidat doit maîtriser son sujet, savoir gagner la confiance des clients, dégager de l’assurance, avoir le sens de la communication et des compétences de leadership (entre autres qualités). L’entretien d’embauche inclut généralement deux types de questions : celles destinées à en apprendre davantage sur l’expérience personnelle, la motivation et le savoir-être des candidats, et celles destinées à évaluer leurs compétences en consulting.

160 594question(s) d'entretien pour Consultant partagée(s) par les candidats

Questions d'entretien d'embauche fréquentes pour un consultant (H/F) et comment y répondre

Voici trois des questions d’entretien d’embauche les plus fréquentes pour un consultant (H/F) et comment y répondre :

Question 1 : Pourquoi voulez-vous travailler pour cette entreprise ?

Comment répondre : Cette question vise à évaluer votre motivation à l’égard de l’entreprise auprès de laquelle vous postulez ainsi que vos connaissances du secteur. Renseignez-vous sur l’entreprise et veillez à faire ressortir vos principaux points d’intérêt. N’oubliez pas de mentionner les valeurs que vous partagez avec l’entreprise.

Question 2 : Parlez d’une expérience lors de laquelle vous avez joué un rôle de leader.

Comment répondre : Choisissez une expérience pour laquelle votre contribution a été significative, soit en tant que manager, soit dans le cadre d’une collaboration. Décrivez le contexte, l’objectif qui devait être atteint, votre rôle de leader, les actions que vous avez menées et leur résultat, ainsi que ce que vous avez appris sur vous au cours de cette expérience.

Question 3 : Comment aideriez-vous une petite entreprise locale à « remonter la pente » après une forte baisse de rentabilité ?

Comment répondre : Analyser des problèmes d’entreprise complexes est une des caractéristiques du métier de consultant. Il n’y a pas de modèle universel pour ce genre de question, c’est à vous de créer votre propre cadre. Posez des questions, définissez clairement le problème, déterminez des catégories Mutuellement Exclusives et Collectivement Exhaustives (principe MECE) en précisant comment vous analyseriez chacune d’elles, et définissez les étapes suivantes.

Principales questions d'entretien

Trier: Pertinence|Populaires|Date
On a demandé à un Consultant (Pentester)...9 janvier 2019

How might I test for XSS in a web application?

397 réponses




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Boston Consulting Group

If you were a brand, what would be your motto?

57 réponses

Be You. Everyone else is taken.

Take the right path, not the easy path.

"Do what's right"

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You have a bouquet of flowers. All but two are roses, all but two are daisies, and all but two are tulips. How many flowers do you have?

44 réponses

3 flowers - 1 rose, 1 daisy and 1 tulip

The solution is quite simple, if you start with the “All but 2” first: Roses = All but 2 = Two flowers are not a rose; one tulip, one daisy Daisies = All but 2 = Two flowers are not a daisy; one rose, one tulip Tulips = All but 2 = Two flowers are not a tulip; one rose, one daisy Answer: One rose, one daisy, one tulip. Moins

I would say, "Do you consider three flowers to be a bouquet?"

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Bain & Company

Estimate how many windows are in New York

35 réponses

Since Bain is a consulting firm, this question seems to be used as a way to probe applicant's approach to engagement problems. First ask questions to clarify the goal. Is New York the city, the state, or another municipality that happens to also be called New York, such as New York, Texas. Are we talking about windows on a building, or will it also include car windows, store shelf windows, or maybe even MS Windows licenses. After the information is clarified, it's time to analyze. Estimating the population and estimate an average number of windows per person is one approach, but it may seem too general. Another approach can be divide and conquer. Estimate the number of residential houses, estimate the number of offices, and number of vehicles, etc, and multiply by an average number for each type of structure. Round the number to the nearest million or tenth of million to make it easy to remember for the client. Moins

Should the answer include opportunities and operating systems?

Define "New York".

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How to handle clients, people etc

28 réponses

even i am in same situation . I got mail for submitting docs on 2nd july and again i got a mail from HR on 5th July that there is some delay and they will contact me on 9th july but till now no mail no call. what to do?? Moins

I have joining date as 26th aug.. What is your joining location

Same here. joining on 26 aug. gurgaon location

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were do u see urself after 5 years

21 réponses

my aim is to work hard and honestly at any pt. of time...and i see myself working in ur company as a hardworking and honest person Moins

within 5 yrs i want to be as stable as holdiing myself to such a level where i can take care of my expenses Moins

i can tell u somthing that is mysterious,what i want to dedicate to you is smart work is better than hard work,effectiveness is better than efficiancy,then we can reach 100% purity in every activity. Moins

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It’s Thursday, we’re staffing you on a telecommunications project in Calgary, Canada on Monday. Your flight and hotel are booked; your visa is ready. What are the top five things you do before you leave?

20 réponses

1. Update my resume 2. Contact friends and family about finding a new job 3. Pretend to be violently ill on Monday 4. Use up all of my sick days and vacation days. 5. Wait to get fired, which should have happened long ago because I'm not qualified to work in telecommunications. Moins

1. Make sure the rest of the work to be completed on site by Friday is done or delegated. 2. Confirm key contacts know where I'll be, in case disaster strikes. 3. Follow up e-mail with group I'll be visiting, to confirm location/times/activities, ask about local weather - any warning/alerts, in case of delays. 4. Meeting prep - materials review, agenda review, ship any items which I cannot carry on airplane by myself. 5. Travel prep - weather conditions, personal/medical needs, electronics, luggage, drop off/pickup at airport and any other connections to get to/from Calgary meet points. Moins

1. Determine scope of my assignment and major stakeholders 2. Find out if there are specific issues I need to address/personalities to mitigate 3. Determine our expected outcomes beyond getting the job done (growth oppertunties etc. ) 4. Pack my luggage 5. Get to the airport (print passes etc. ) Moins

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Kaiser Associates

How many passengers leave JFK airport on a given day.

18 réponses

This question tests how you think critically. In this example, you could start with estimating that JFK has about 100 gates, and that a plane leaves from a gate every 3 hours, totaling 800 flights per day. Guessing that the average plane holds 200 passengers, you arrive at 160,000 per day departing. The interviewer is not as interested that you get the right, or even close, answer, but rather the thought process you go through to figure it out. For those that are interested, the real number is about 131,000 per day based on statistics from 2007. Moins

all of them

100% 1. Those passengers that arrive on an airplane either leave by another plane or leave the airport by other means. 2. Those passengers that arrive by other means take a plane and leave or they are not passengers. 3. That is, if you exclude those that are still there at midnight. You can assume this number is constant from night to night. Moins

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Bain & Company

What is the exact angle formed by the hands on a clock when the time reads 9:30?

14 réponses

105 degrees

105 degrees: if the hour hand is right at 9, and the minute had was right at 30 then it would be 90 degrees. but since we're 30 minutes into the hr, the hour hand will be (theoretically) half waybetween 9 and 10pm. so you need to calculate that additional variation. If have the arms 3 hrs apart makes a perfect 90 degrees, then each hr would equal 30 degrees -> thus a half hr would result in a 15 degrees. 90+15= 105 degrees Moins


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IQ test was online where 50 questions need to be solved it in 12 Mins, where 20 min question should be correct.. Are your serious??? With more then 6 year of exp who invested time for IQ which is actually an apti test.. Guyz you are looking for tech not for IS entrance exam. if a guy has been short-listed by you that is based on his exp not on IQ.

12 réponses

As 8+ years of exp candidates asking the reasoning and english questions not at all pair. Interviewer and consultancy team has to say before the interview there will IQ test. We forgot these type of reasoning question after 8 years working in industry. How can team is judging based on these questions. Only 12mins for 50 questions. This is not at all good. If team intimate prior at least our mindset will prepare for that. Not at all good process of conducting interviews. Moins

Nagarro is thinking they are hiring for some IAS, IPS exams... Worst behavior people do lot of practice for clearing the aptitude wthin the stipulated time... Moins

A lot of negative responses here in the comment sections, it seems like people can't understand basic arithmetic and logical operations... Just read an online article about aptitude tests on Indiabix and practice some questions. I am an experienced individual with niche skills, yet I am okay with this procedure, so I am sure you can do it too. Moins

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